This impressive church houses a Victorian Taylor chime of eight, largest 20 cwts, and a single sanctus ringing bell weighing approximately 5 cwts. The single sanctus bell was supplied in 1863, and bells 3, 4, 5 & 8 were cast and supplied as a Westminster clock chime in 1868. Bells 1, 2, 6 & 7 were supplied in 1878 to complete the octave. An Ellacombe chiming rack, pulleys and hammers were supplied in 1878, and a more modern rack with muffled hammers was also supplied in the 20th century to allow half muffled chiming.
A major restoration of the installation will now be undertaken. The bells will be removed to the Foundry for cleaning and tuning, and for the manufacture of new galvanised steel headstocks. A new Ellacombe chiming rack will be manufactured to replace the fragile 1878 rack, and the 20th century rack will be restored. The pulleys will be restored/replaced as necessary and new transmission cord will be installed. A new electro-magnetic chiming system and programmable Apollo unit will also be installed to allow for automatic playing.
The sanctus bell will be rehung for full circle ringing with all new fittings to complete the project.
* Work on this project will begin on Monday 29th May.
* The bells have been removed from the tower and will be delivered to the Foundry after a short period on display in the church.
* The bells are now at Loughborough.
The bells have been cleaned by gentle sand blasting.
The bells are being drilled and prepared for tuning.
* The tuning of the bells has been completed.
* The conserved and tuned bells have ben delivered to the Priory and will be hung week commencing 4th December.
*The bells have been rehung on their new headstocks and the new electro-magnetic chiming system has been installed.
*The reinstatement of the Ellacombe chiming systems will complete this project.