This tower houses a classic Taylor 12 cwt ring of six with the entire installation dating from 1907. After serving the parish well for nearly 120 years major restoration work will be undertaken to keep things in good order. The headstocks will be returned to the Foundry for cleaning and the fitting of new gudgeons and bearings. The clappers and crown staples will will fully restored, and new rope roller boxes will be manufactured and fitted. The existing Ellacombe chiming system will be restored with trigger action chiming hammers and brought back into use.
* The bells have been lowered into their pits and their headstocks and other fittings have been removed and are at the Foundry.
* The headstocks have been cleaned by sandblasting.
* New gudgeons have been fitted by shrink welding.
* All is ready for dispatch.
* The rehung bells were dedicated by the Bishop of Gloucester on 8th November.
* The bells have been test rung.
* The fitting of the Ellacombe chiming system will complete this project.