The 14 cwt ring of six in this tower was last rehung in a cast iron bell frame by Gillett & Johnston in 1926. A major restoration and augmentation will now be undertaken. Bells 1, 2, 4, 5 & 6 will be cleaned and conserved, and the poor sounding third will be retired and a new bell cast to a Gillett & Johnston profile to replace it. Two new trebles will also be cast to Gillett & Johnston profiles to augment the ring to eight, and the bell frame will be extended to accommodate these. New ringing fittings will be manufactured for all eight bells and a new ringing gallery will be manufactured and installed. An electro-magnetic chiming system will be installed on all eight bells for use when a team of ringers is not available. Access ladders will also be manufactured and installed throughout the tower to comply with modern health & safety requirements.. A dumb bell will be manufactured and installed in the intermediate chamber.
* These bells have been removed from the tower and are at Loughborough. The new bells have been cast and work manufacturing the fittings is in hand.
* The largest three bells have been strengthened by bronze welding to strengthen their crowns and clapper indentation points.
* The new bells have been cast, fettled and tuned.
* The bells are in the tuning shop.
* The new cast iron frame sides have been cast and are being fettled and machined.
* All is ready for dispatch.
* The rehanging of the bells is underway.
* This augmented and rehung peal was dedicated by the Bishop of Gloucester on 8th November.
* The bells have been test rung.
* The installation of the access ladders and dumb bell will complete this project.