An order has been placed for the casting of a new bell for this temple in Sri Lanka. The bell will have a diameter of 43", weigh approximately 16 cwts, and sound note F. The bell will be finished in gold as is traditional.
Along with the bell a full set of fittings has been ordered to allow the bell to be sounded by slow swinging, this includes a cast iron counter-balanced headstock, crown staple & clapper, and a wheel. A new galvanised steel bell frame will be constructed and shipped to Sri Lanka with the bell and its fittings.
The mould for this bell is being prepared and the bell will cast in about a month's time.
This bell has been cast and awaits being dug up.
This bell has been fettled.
The counterbalanced headstock has been cast, and its gudgeons fitted.
The bell has been tuned and sounds beautiful.
The new bell frame has been manufactured and galvanised.
All is ready for dispatch.
The bell has been blessed at at Pojah Ceremony.