The 7 cwt ring of six at this church is the work of Taylor's, with five of the bells dating from 1830/1 before Taylor's established themselves in Loughborough when they traded from Oxford. The 3rd bell was cast by Mears & Stainbank in 1901, when the entire peal was rehung in a new oak bell frame by Harry Stokes.
The parish has now placed an order for the bells and their fittings to be removed from the tower for cleaning, conservation and tuning, and for the manufacture of entirely new ringing fittings. The bells will then be rehung in the 1901 frame.
These bells will be removed week commencing 4th March.
This ring of bells is now at Loughborough.
These bells have been cleaned by gentle sand blasting.
The manufacture of the new fittings is underway.
The bell wheel centres are being adapted and new soling and shrouding is being fixed.
The new cast iron headstocks have been founded.
All is ready for rehanging.
The bells and their new fittings have been dispatched to North Tamerton.
This ring has now been hung and is ready for the try out.

Ernie Hicks with his bells during restoration.