This tower houses Dorset's heaviest ring of six, with a tenor bell of 20 cwts in the key of Eb, the work of Thomas II Bilbie. The bells are the work of four different bell founders, date between 1712 and 1960, and hang in a timber bell frame constructed by Webb & Bennett (with an extension added by Whitechapel in 1960).
The bells will be removed to Loughborough for conservation, cleaning and a small amount of tuning, and for the manufacture of all new ringing fittings. The bell frame will also be strengthened.
These bells were removed week commencing 4th March.
This ring of bells is now at Loughborough.
The bells have been cleaned and conserved.
The bells' canons have been removed in readiness for fittings the new headstocks.
New seating pads have been cast on the bells' crowns.
Tuning has been completed.
The new bell wheels, rope roller boxes and other fittings are being manufactured.
the new headstocks have been fitted to the bells.
The new bell wheels have been manufactured.
All is ready for dispatch.
Rehanging is in progress.