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The Hope Project Completed !
The Hope Project which forms a Permanent Memorial to the victims of Covid19, and members of the Emergency Services who put themselves at...

Small Carillon Bells !
Perfecting the sound of small carillon bells has presented bell founders with problems for a long period of time dating back to the 18th...

New Bells For Our New Entrance!
Our new paved Entrance Courtyard has a small flight of steps with two brick and stone pillars at the top and bottom of the steps. These...

We Welcome Leanne Broad
Leanne Broad has joined our staff in a role of Reception/Administration Manager - so if you phone the Foundry it's likely to be her voice...

Welcome to 2025!
For Free Inspections and Quotations on the U K Mainland Please contact our office on 01509 212241.

Taylor's Foundry will be closed for the Christmas break from 24th December 2024 - 2nd January 2025.

Looking for a Christmas Present for anyone interested in bells, bell founding or bell ringing - here's an interesting book you might like...

A Sad End For The Gazebo!
The heavy recent heavy snowfall in the Midlands saw the end of our gazebo. The sheer weight of the snow brought the entire structure down...

Taylor's First Female Bellhanger!
We welcome Eliza Lewis-Skeath to our team at Taylor's. At her own request she has set her heart on being a bell hanger and she's proving...

SATURDAY 19TH OCTOBER 11 A.M. - 3 P.M. The Trustees of The Loughborough Bellfoundry Trust invite the many hundreds from the bell ringing...

The Restored Bell Foundry Formally Opened!
Photo: Mrs Frances Johnson & Mrs Sarah Bassett - Daughters of the late Paul Taylor joined us at the Opening Event. Thursday 3rd October...

David V Stipetic, R.I.P.
It is with great sadness that we mark the death of David V Stipetic of Holy Trinity, Hull. David was a great supporter of Taylor's Bell...

Taylor's Ring Paralympic Success
Very late in the day the organisers of the Paris Paralympics asked if they could borrow a bell for the winners to ring after each...

The Central Council Library Has Been Relocated!
The Library of The Central Council of Church Bell Ringers has finally found a permanent home in the new Archives at Taylor's Bell...

A First Picnic in the Gazebo
A party of visiting ringers from Rhyl had brought their picnic with them and after a tour of the Foundry found welcome shelter in our...

A Welcome Gazebo!
It is intended that a tearoom will eventually be built for weary guests to take the weight off their feet and sit with a cuppa and a bit...

Need Your Bell Frame Painting ?
It is important to keep metal bell frames well painted and our technicians at Taylor's regularly undertake the cleaning and painting work...

The Oil Paintings of Our Forebears have been Re-hung in the New Board Room
As work on the new Foundry Museum nears completion the portraits of members of the Taylor family have found a home in the new Board Room...

Foundry Restoration Nears Completion!
Work to restore and develop the Foundry nears completion with our main contractors, Messenger of Stamford, having now cleared site....

A Fraternal Visit to Eijsbouts Bell Foundry.
Director David Potter was invited to visit Eijsbout's Bell Foundry in Asten, Holland. The visit was conducted by owner, Joost Eijsbout...

A New Taylor Bell Heralds Helston's Floral Dance.
Helston's famous Floral Dance beings on 8th May each year as the Guildhall Bell strikes 7 a.m. But 2024 brought a crisis when, just over...

Another milestone has been reached at the Foundry with the completion of our new Archive. Museum type Roller Racking has been installed...

A Colin Banton - R.I.P.
It was with great sadness that we learned of the death of our former colleague A Colin Banton in France on 3rd March. Colin worked in our...

Clearing the Back Foundry Yard !
Most of our larger bell cases are stored in the back foundry yard, ready to be retrieved on the rare occasions a large bell is ordered -...

We Welcome Karrie Shotton
Karrie joined our staff a few months ago and has proved to be a great asset. In her role as Performance Manager she's helped with the...

Annealing Wrought Iron Clappers.
Sets of wrought iron clappers come into the Foundry every week for restoration. While they are here a part of the restoration process...

Remembering Richard Burton, a Taylor's Bell Hanger who Died 100 years ago!
Richard Burton, one of our bell hangers, died in an accident at Whalley Parish Church, Lancashire in February 1924. He'd been sent to...

Work on the Foundry Carillon Continues!
Progress on replacing the Foundry Carillon of 47 bells, largest 25 cwts., continues to progress slowly as funds become available. This...

Work On The New Archive Begins
Work has begun to create the new archive which will house both Taylor's own important records and the Central Council of Church Bell...

This newly cast slow swinging bell, which weighs 18 cwts., is ready for dispatch to Trincomalee, Sri Lanka. To bless the bell a poojah...

We will be closing for a Christmas break from noon on Friday 22nd December and will reopen on Tuesday 2nd January 2024. Happy Christmas...

Problems With Our Telephone System!
With rebuilding work going at full pace all of our offices have been moved temporarily and relocated in what will become our new Museum....

An Appeal to the Ringing Community
The project to restore Britain's last bell foundry by The Loughborough Bellfoundry Trust (Charity Number 1166562) is well underway, with...

Ken Bryant Joins Our Hardwood Craft Team
We're pleased to welcome back Ken Bryant to join our wood craft department. Ken worked at Taylor's for a number of years before branching...

We Welcome Anthony Roberts!
We are pleased to welcome Anthony Roberts who will help us in our Fabrication Department. Anthony worked at Taylor's before leaving for...

Classic Taylor 21 Cwt Eight For Sale!
They were far too good to scrap, but we're looking for a home for them. If you've got a suitable tower to house them they're available...

Casting Bells Underground !
Traditionally bell moulds were made from clay and were buried before casting to protect the founder from the molten metal should the bell...

Sam Weaver Joins Our Design Team
We're pleased to welcome Sam Weaver who joins our design team at Taylor's. Sam is one of a number of young people who've joined us in the...

Our Handbell Department's New Home!
As part of the Foundry restoration scheme our handbell department has been relocated to a new, purpose built building on the ground floor...

Circular Rope Guides
Circular rope guides look neat and allow the bell ropes to be drawn into an almost perfect circle. We've had orders to manufacture and...

Alan Berry, R.I.P.
Alan's Funeral will take place on Monday 14th August at 2.30 p.m. at The Loughborough Baptist Church, Baxter Gate, Loughborough, LE11...

The Loughborough Carillon Centenary 1923 - 2023
John Taylor & Co is pleased to present "The Friends of the Loughborough Carillon" with an inscribed bell to mark the centenary of the...

New Roofs - We'll Soon Be Waterproof!
Restoration work on the Foundry buildings proceeds apace and the new roofs are quickly being constructed. Things had deteriorated...

The New Entrance Courtyard !
Restoration work on the site continues apace with scaffolding everywhere and a great amount of disruption, but in less than a year from...

New to us - a computer controlled lathe!
Recently purchased, we've been getting to grips with a computer controlled lathe. At present small precision components are being turned...

A New Voice When You Call Taylor's!
We welcome Dawn Sharman to our staff. Dawn has taken on the role of front office secretary and hers will be the voice you'll hear when...

We welcome back Ian Mitchell
Ian Mitchell is kindly helping out tuning bells while Girdar Vadukar recovers from surgery on his left shoulder. Ian was one of the bell...

We welcome Dave Boddy to Taylor's staff
We are pleased to welcome Dave Boddy to the staff of Taylor's. Dave will be responsible for production planning, a field in which he is...
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