The tower of this church houses a 14 cwt eight with five of the bells being the work of Abraham Rudhall in 1739, and the other three dating from the last major restoration by Mears & Stainbank in 1895.
A major restoration and augmentation will now be undertaken. The bells, their frame and fittings will be removed to Loughborough. The bells will be cleaned, conserved and tuned, and two new treble bells will be cast to augment the ring. All new ringing fittings will be manufactured, and a new galvanised steel and cast iron bell frame will be designed and manufactured.
A new training bell and bell frame will also form part of the scheme, and a variable sound control system will be installed on the inside faces of the louvres.
These bells are being removed to Loughborough w/c 18th March.
The moulds for the new trebles are being prepared.
These bells were cast on Thursday 11th April.
Work on the new cast iron bell frame is underway.
The new bells have been fettled and tuned.
Most of the new frame sides have now been cast.
Work building the bell frame is underway.
The new bell wheels are being manufactured.
The building of the new bell frame has been completed.
Work in the tower is underway.
The Sound Control has been fitted.
The bell frame has been dismantled and is being galvanised.
Installation in the tower is underway.
All has been completed in time for Christmas.