The 8 cwt ring of five in this tower were cast between 1610 and 1887 and are the work of three different founders. The bells were last rehung in a composite oak and cast iron "A" bell frame in 1887 by Taylor's.
An order has now been placed for a major restoration and augmentation project to be carried out. The bells will be brought to the Foundry for conservation, cleaning, and tuning. A Keltek Trust bell, ex St Anne's on Sea, will form the treble of six after tuning, and an extension bell frame will be manufactured to the same pattern as the existing "A" frame design. All new ringing fittings and a new rope guide will be manufactured.
Two "dumb bells", their frames and fittings will be manufactured and installed in the middle chamber for the teaching of new ringers.
These bells have been removed and are at Loughborough.