The tower of this church houses a 9 cwt six by four different founders with bells dating between 1600 & 2014. The largest four bells were rehung by Taylor's in a new cast iron and steel bell frame with all new fittings in 1953. Augmentation to five in 2004 by Eayre & Smith saw the cast iron frame extended, and with a further augmentation in 2014 by Taylor's a further extension took place.
With constant wetting via the spire lights the base grillage has suffered severe rusting, and the decision has been taken to remove the entire installation from the tower so that the bell frame can be rebuilt on a new galvanised steel grillage. A complete servicing of the bell fittings will also be undertaken while everything is at Loughborough before the return of the ring to Tilton.
These bells have been removed from the tower and are at Loughborough.
The cast iron frame sides and headstocks have been cleaned by sandblasting.
The bell frame is being reconstructed on a new steel grillage.
The bell wheels have been restored.
The bell frame has been rebuilt on new foundation girders.
The bell frame will be delivered to site in early December.
The rehang has been completed in time for Christmas.