The tower of this church houses a 19 cwt ring of eight which were all cast by The Whitechapel Bell Foundry in 1774, 1897 & 1951. The bells hang in an oak bell frame by Pack & Chapman dating from 1774.
The bells will be removed from the tower and brought to Loughborough for conservation, cleaning, and tuning. All new ringing fittings will be manufactured for the bells, and the bell frame will be strengthened before the bells are rehung.
A new sound control system will be installed to complete the project.
Work on this project began week commencing 14th October.
The bells have been removed and are now at Loughborough.
The bells have been cleaned by sand blasting.
The canons have been removed.
Conservation work has been completed.
The sound control system has been installed.
The bells are in the tuning shop.
All the bells have had new seating pads cast on their crowns and have been tuned
The new cast iron headstocks have been cast and had their gudgeons fitted.
All is ready for dispatch to Tonbridge.
Installation is underway.
The bells and their fittings have been delivered to the church.